You’ve heard the phrase, “start with a good foundation.” It is true for many things in life, business, and is also true with social media advertising. So… what does a good foundation look like?
- A plan and a goal.
Every good advertising campaign begins with a good plan and ultimate goal. Know how long you will be in this campaign for and what changes you will make along the way.
–> Are you measuring to a direct sale? How much in revenue or how many orders do you need to “make it worth it” or “be wildly successful”?
–> Are you measuring to a lead generated? How many leads do you want to acquire and what is your average lead close rate? Tip: if you know your average value of a conversion + your close rate, you can ultimately determine what your value achieved is.
–> Are you looking for awareness or video views? If so, how many people do you want aware of your brand, or how many video views (to an educational point in the video) are you looking for? - Good creative & collateral.
An effective campaign needs effective visuals, primarily video. In today’s social media advertising ecosystem video is the means to convey a message to a potential lead. Make sure the video creative is meant for social media – NOT just pulled from a TV campaign or random company/customer video. Video today is short and educational. By way of retargeting video viewers, good photography and messaging is important to drive intent further into the sales funnel. - Good measurement tools & reporting.
To effectively measure campaign effectiveness you will need to be measuring & optimizing for the desired campaign objectives. Utilize campaign objectives that match your sales objectives. In practice this means running lead ads for leads, measuring conversions with the Facebook pixel at your conversion points. Always use the Facebook Pixel – whether or not the current campaign is funneling through your website. Finally, pull all the data into reports that are visual, readable, and able to be conveyed to management & the rest of the team. Tip: utilize a 3rd party reporting tool!In lead generation follow-up, focus on quick and effective followup. White “papers” are a great tool to help determine intent – and don’t have to be PDFs! It could be video or other visual follow-up.
In ecommerce follow-up, focus on abandoned cart emails, retargeting through social media, and post-sale experience boosters: freebies, quality marketing products, request for reviews, and referral bonuses.